
Piwnica pod Baranami

28 kohalikku soovitavad,

Kohalike nõuanded

Kasia & Lukasz
August 9, 2016
Jazz. Typical underground pub.
June 1, 2018
The most known cabaret and high brow theatre in ..... Poland I dare to say
February 4, 2020
One of the oldest pub in Krakow, place where polish artists drinks :)
March 5, 2016
Just go there. It's a must!
Asia Joanna
September 4, 2014
There is a cabaret in the basements but also a cinema on the second and third floor that I go to.

Kuhu lähikonnas minna

Ekskursioon Auschwitzi ja Birkenau 'sse
Jalgsiekskursioon vanalinnas Krakowis
Auschwitzi ja Birkenau muuseumi külastamine

Kohalikud soovitavad ka

27 Rynek Główny
Kraków, Małopolskie